Café de Concert



Today - Café de Concert has become the atelier and concert gallery of the young and multitalented pianist and composer Aksel Kolstad. It took him 10 years to brand this concept and turn it into one of the most original and innovating classical concepts in the world. Here´s the story behind...... The Idea The origin and still driving force behind Café de Concert is to present classical music to a larger audience. The genre has by no means the same appeal as pop, rock or jazz. Creating a more relaxed atmosphere, and not to forget Kolstad´s magical ability to present classical music with humor and showmanship, it all results in a more intimate and fun concert format than the traditional solemn style. The idea that classical music can once again become popular music, the way it once was, is the motivation behind the concept Café de Concert. Classical concerts at cafés – Café de Concert recruits musicians, both students and professionals, to play classical music for the people. The goal is to stimulate as well as strengthen everyone’s interest in classical music. The level of musicianship is high, and with a relaxed, positive atmosphere, between the pieces, it is possible to have a cup of coffee, have something to eat or perhaps talk with the person sitting beside you. Café de Concert is an arena for all creative arts. In addition to musical performances, there are regular arts exhibitions and ballet/modern dance performances directed by CdC.  

UMM-concert and bachelorette party

Frida Siegrist Oliver, viola, Mari Birgitte Halvorsen, violin and Lydia Hoen Tjore, soprano put on a spectacular show at the UMM get together @ Café de Concert on June 6th! Mari really made the roof come off with Prokofiev! Today we hosted a bachelorette party - and quite the unforgettable one.....!!

Young Shipping and Vessels Value

Yesterday we hosted Young Shipping, 100 women listened to what great female presentors from the world of shipping had to say about beeing a woman in a male dominated industry. When Aksel performed in the middle of the seminar he said this before playing: "Behind every successful man stands a woman. Behind me stands my mother." Cred to the Café de Concert staff for hanging in there!! Just now Vessels Value is in the house! Puh, we´re on fire!! Pop in, c u then!

Hjertefred & Alliance Francaise

Had a lovely time performing for Hjertefred on May 29th! Wonderful project, wonderful hearts! Paintings by Bjørg Thorhallsdottir, also founder of the project! Hanna Blomqvist and Aksel posing in front of...Aksel! He loves that...haha. Hanna runs Lykkehaven art gallery, where Bjørg exhibits amongst other galleries. The day before Alliance Francaise booked Aksel for a "concert with a French accent", finally Café de Concert could host a group of fabulous people from the native country of the concepts name! Vive la France!

"The Aussome Aussie Art Experience"

We had a huge event in collaboration with Geelmuyden & Kise on May 23rd hosting the "The Aussome Aussie Art Experience". A fun event where bloggers and the public were instagraming all kinds of props from Aussie and Café de Concert. Celine, in the middle - our go to woman from Geelmuyden & Kise! Ida Abotnes did a performance painting (2 hours) where she in her magnificant way captured the Aussie vibe at Café de Concert.

Jura Coffee and Black Cat Tea

Café de Concert at Tjuvholmen is now "as café" as it gets with the supreme collaboration with Jura Coffee and Black Cat Tea. It is quite nostalgic - back to the roots and origin of the concept, that now has become so much more than what it started out with, but no less than what my dreams were when I started Café de Concert. Jura Coffee machines are one of the finest in the world and has excellent coffee from Nicaragua. A big thank you to my dear friend Fabrice that saw the possibility to collaborate and a huge thank you to Kathrine Rech-Knudsen that dared to do something different. I am so proud to be able to serve your products at Café de Concert. Fabrice, what about serving coffee on stand up paddle boards for people at sea?    

Harlem Shake at Café de Concert

En annerledes pianokonsert på Café de Concert Aldersgrense 60 + Legetimasjon vises i døra! 


Klokken: 16:00

Dato: Lørdag 13. April

Sted: Café de Concert, Tjuvholmen allé 25

Pianisten og humoristen Aksel Kolstad inviterer til en flygelkonsert litt utenom det vanlige. Aksel spiller, kåserer og underholder i en

 annerledes og unik form for stand up i en halvtimes tid.

… Etterfulgt av kveldens store twist:

Vi skal kaste oss på det verdensomspennende fenomenet ”Harlem Shake” og filme vår versjon som senere skal legges ut

på youtube-siden på internett. Ta med deg et morsomt kostyme eller en rekvisitt og noen glade dansetrinn! Nå skal vi lage den

tøffeste Harlem Shaken som noen gang er laget!

Signaturmenyen vil bli servert; pølse i lompe og champagne på boks.

Påmelding skjer på mail til eller på telefon

til 920 56 695. Førstemann/kvinne til mølla.

En liten videosnutt på rundt 1 minutt
- En gruppe med mennesker filmes i en ”vanlig” setting i 10-15 sekunder med kjenningsmelodien i bakgrunnen etterfulgt av et skifte/nytt klipp som
filmer de samme menneskene ”ta av” i form av dans med kostymer, masker og alt de har funnet på av morsomme sprell.
- Harlem Shake har de siste månedene vokst seg til å bli et verdensomspennende fenomen på internett.
Folk lager sine egne små videosnutter i alle tenkelige versjoner og laster den så opp på fildelingssiden
- Venner, arbeidsplasser, idrettslag og alle tenkelige grupperinger av mennesker verden over har kastet seg på bølgen.
- Filmen har absolutt ingen mening, kun en sterk humoristisk undertone.
- Opprinnelig en dansestil fra Etiopia, kalt Eskista/Esketa, som i senere tid ble adoptert av en dansegruppe i Harlem, New York.
- Noen linker til hva andre har funnet på før oss:
 Klikk her, her eller her

UMM musicians at Cafe de Concert for the first time

Elfi Marie Øhre Marcussen, cello Joseph Haydn cellokonsert i C major, Allegro Molto. Mikael Aksnes-Pehrson, gitar Heitor Villa-Lobos’ Prelude no. 4 Xixi Marlene Karlstrøm, piano Franz Liszt: Rhapsodie no. 11 i a minor Seeing this photo brings me back in the days....when Cafe de Concert a concert café /concert venue with classical concerts EVERY day...boy, did I work my ass of when I was a student!!!

What a blast!!

Full house at Aksel´s "get together" last night! And what a blast we had!! He fired it up with a musical story about "a boy who couldn´t tell the difference between reality and fantasy, and as an adult never did either...." Wonder who THAT could be....?? Text and idea by Mr. Crazypants, music by Scubert, Schumann, Rachmaninov and Mr. Crazypants. Trio Mingo had a surprise performance for a much pleased audience playing 1st and 2dn movement from the Arensky piano trio!! Earlier that day they also showed up during opening hours at Café de Concert and performed the pieces to give Aksel a pleasant surprise. Aksel loved it, and of course invited them to play at the get together! What a qute story!

Café de Concert YouTube Channel

The history of Café de Concert

Café de Concert began a few days before the 19th of June 2003 when Aksel Kolstad together with a colleague performed live on Midt i Musikken, a classical music program on NRK radio P2. During the program, the trial concert was announced, to be held at Kastanjen restaurant on Bygdøy Allé in Oslo.

Visit the old Café de Concert media centre HERE

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